It is a must to gain normal body weight for proper functioning and health of your body. For checking this we can use Body mass index (BMI), it is a simple calculation to know wheater we are underweight, normal, or overweight. By dividing your weight in kilogram to your height in meters squared we get BMI. If it ranges between 25 to 29.9 shows overweight, normal weight is 18.5 to 24.9 and below 18.5 is underweight. The need for gaining weight is vital for those who are in the underweight category. Here are some effective tips for fast weight gain.
Increase the quantity of food you eat

It seems simple but it is difficult for beginners. Just try to eat more food than you eat daily. Also, try to have protein and carbohydrate-containing food items that help to increase the body weight. In addition, eat nuts and dates as snacks are one of the effective tips for fast weight gain for those who are underweight.
Drinks for weight gain

- Milk is a must-included drink for weight gain. As milk contains protein, essential nutrients, and calories helpful for weight gain.
- Drink with peanut butter and banana is very effective for fast weight gain. The ingredients needed for this drink are one ripped banana,one tablespoon of peanut butter and one glass of milk.Take a juicer and put slices of ripped banana,one tablespoon of peanutbutter and milk. Blent the ingredients well and pour it to a glass. Now the weight gain peanut drink is ready. Drink it daily to get good results.
- The ingredients needed for next weight gain drinks are one glass of milk, two walnuts, three dates, six cashew nuts, two ripped banana. Make juice with all this ingredients and drink it regularly. It is one of the best tips for fast weight gain.
Eat protein and carbohydrate rich food items

Both carbohydrates and protein are the main things needed for weight gain. So include food items rich in proteins and carbohydrates. A balanced diet can help a lot to get to your normal weight from being underweight. Check the food items rich in proteins and carbohydrates.
- Milk and diary products
- Egg
- Meat
- Chicken
- Fish and sea food
- Beans and legumes
- Nuts
- Oats
- Rice
- Bananas
- Quinoa
- Buckwheat
- Potato
- Sweet potatoes
- Corn
- Buckwheat
Weight gain salad
Vegetable salad
- Two small cucumbers
- Half piece of red onion
- One tomato
- One cup of cooked chickpea
- 1/4 tablespoon of salt
- Chilly powder 1/4 tablespoon
- Chopped ginger -1/2 tablespoon
Take a pan and add one tablespoon of cooking oil. Put cooked chickpea and add salt and chilly powder saute it well for two minutes. Then transfer it to a bowl and allow it to cool. Take a bowl and mix all the vegetables and add chickpea and mix it well.
Do exercise regularly

In addition to a good diet doing exercise regularly is an important criterion for fast weight gain. Exercise helps in muscle development and the functioning of the body. If you are doing exercise for weight gain the best time for a workout is in the evening. As the body muscles are in high strength during the evening than in the morning. Here are the simple exercises for weight gain. Do check it and practice exercise regularly with a nutrient-rich diet to get better results.
- Benchpress
- Squats
- Lunges
- Overhead press
- Weight lifting
- Pullups
What to notice?
It is very important to avoid what inhibits weight gain in your body. Mostly it is the bad food habits and lifestyle that affect weight gain. Some of the common things to notice for attaining your normal body weight are given below:
- Drink water only after meals otherwise the stomach gets fill and you cannot eat well.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption that is one the reason that affect your body weight and overall health.
- Stress and lack of sleep also affect weight gain. Thus with healthy diet make sure to relax your mind by doing meditation. Also a peaceful sleep is very important factor for weight gain.During you sleep body produces a hormone known as ghrelin that stimulate hunger and helps to eat well. Also taking an afternoon nap after lunch is also good for weight gain.
- Lacking of drinking enough water also affects the weight gain of the body.
Weight gain recipe
Recipe 1
- Peanut butter- 3 tablespoons
- Honey – 1 1/2 tablespoons
- Dates-3
- Eight grinded almonds
- Oats -80 gms
Take a bowl for preparing this recipe to that add three dates, and smash it using a fork. Then add almonds, honey, peanut butter, and oats. Mix all these ingredients using a spoon thereafter using your hand make the dough into the desired shape. Now the weight gain recipe is ready. You can have this tasty recipe as a snack.
Recipe 2
- Toned milk-300 ml
- Oats-100 gms
- Peanut butter-3 table spoons
- Two tablespoons of honey
Take a pan and add milk and oats. Then mix it well and cook for four to five minutes. After that allow that it to cool. Transfer it to a bowl and add peanut butter and honey. Now the dish is ready to eat. It is a simple weight gain recipe for breakfast.
Recipe 3
- Chopped garlic- 1 tablespoon
- Coconut oil- 1 tablespoon
- Chopped beans-1/2 cup
- Grated carrot -half cup
- Chilli sauce-2 tablespoon
- Salt
- Paneer-150 gms
- Cooked rice-250 gms
Take a pan and allow it to get heated for one minute. Add coconut oil and add garlic, chopped beans, grated carrot. After that add some salt and chilli sauce, saute it well. Then add paneer and mix it with the gravy and cook it for 10 minutes. Now is the time to add cooked rice. Again mix it all well. The easy lunch recipe for weight gain is ready.
Recipe 4
- Cooked chicken-200 gms
- Curd- 30gms
- Ginger garlic paste – 1 tablespoon
- Carrot-1
- One cucumber
- Onion-1
- Chilli powder-1 tablespoon
- Turmeric-1/4 tablespoon
- Tomato- 1
- Salt
- Coriander leaves- 1 tablespoon
- One tablespoon of lemon juice
- Cconut/olive oil-2 tablespoons
At first, cut the cooked chicken into small pieces. In a bowl add chicken pieces, curd,ginger-garlic paste, chilli powder, and turmeric, and salt. Using hands mix all these ingredients well. On a burner place a pan and add oil when it gets heated add chicken pieces. Cook both sides of chicken pieces. Then transfer it to a plate and allow it to cool. Take another bowl and add chopped carrot, cucumber, onion, and tomato. To that add salt, coriander leaves, and lemon juice. Using a spoon mix the salad well and have it with fried chicken. It is a simple and delicious diner recipe for your weight gain diet.
As we all know the importance of gaining normal weight for the entire functioning of the body. It is a must to follow weight gain diets for getting your normal body weight. Here are the tips for fast weight gain for beginners. Follow a good weight gain diet and practising regular exercises surely helps to gain the weight needed for your body.
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