We all know about the benefits of fenugreek for skin and hair care. If you are searching about the DIY for homemade hair serum, then straightly go for fenugreek hair serum, which is easy to make and a good solution for all hair loss issues. In addition, best home remedy for hair growth and thickness.
How to make homemade fenugreek hair serum?

- Four tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
- Half cup of water
- Half tables spoon of lemon juice
Take a bowl with four tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Then add half a cup of water to it. Leave it for 12 hours or overnight. After that, strain the fenugreek water to another bowl and add half a spoon of lemon juice. Mix it well using a spoon. Finally, pour it into a spray bottle. Now your fenugreek hair serum is ready to use. Store it inside the refrigerator and use it daily.
Method of application
It is best to spray this hair serum on your scalp by parting hair. Then spray it on the tips of your hair and all over the hair strands. Just hold your hair and move your hands over the hair for good absorption. Leave it on your hair.
If you have over exposure to sunlight ,skip lemon juice from the fenugreek hair serum ingredient lists.
Benefits of fenugreek seeds and lemon for hair

Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds are a good source of many nutrients that are good for healthy hair growth. Also, consist of saponins and flavonoid which promote hair growth and thickness. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties thus, and it prevents dandruff and itchy scalp. By applying fenugreek hair serum, the blood circulation on the scalp increases and nourishes hair follicles. So that the hair growth increase and a good solution for hair fall. As well as improve your hair texture naturally.
For the growth of hair, Vitamin C is essential, which is rich in lemon. This helps in the production of collagen that improves hair growth. As well, lemon consists of citric acid, which helps to unclog pores of the hair follicle. This helps to prevent dandruff and other scalp issues.
Ways to use the soaked fenugreek seeds
After making fenugreek hair serum, we get soaked fenugreek seeds. Use this to make an effective hair pack for hair growth. For that, crush the soaked fenugreek seeds with four slices of aloe vera to a fine pasty form. Apply this hair pack on your scalp and hair completely. Then leave it for 15 to 20 minutes on your hair. After that, wash it off with water.
Fenugreek hair serum is a simple and effective DIY to apply to your hair for fast hair growth. Using it regularly can improve your hair texture and helps to control hair fall. In addition, it is a solution for hair issues that affect the strength and growth of your hair.