


One of the common issues for hair is split ends. Due to this issue length of hair decreases, and hair looks dull and rough. So it is essential to prevent split ends to give your hair a healthy and shiny look. For that first, know about the reasons for breakage of hair ends. Some of the reasons are overuse of hair styling tools, dryness, and harmful chemical products on hair. Do not worry. It is…

Hibiscus hair serum is a good and simple remedy for hair growth at home. As well it is good to get healthy and shiny black hair. It is best to use five-petaled hibiscus flowers for making this hair serum. Use this serum daily on your hair to get effective results. Let us go through the method of preparing hair serum using hibiscus. Hibiscus hair serum Ingredient Two tablespoons of flax seedsPetals of six hibiscus flowersArgon…